Explore Feature

Design Role

  • UX Team Lead
  • Product Manager
  • UX Researcher
  • Prototyping
  • 1 of 2 UI Designers


  • Problem Statement, Solution & Impact
  • Competitor Analysis
  • User Interviews
  • Affinity Diagram
  • User Persona
  • Value Proposition
  • Journey Map
  • Sketches
  • Prototypes
  • Reflection


  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Teams
  • Trello
  • Paper/Pencil
The Problem
The Problem

Small home business owners currently utilize various social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook for business promotion, alongside other platforms for bookings and sales. Additionally, they rely on services like Yelp and Google Maps for client visibility and use LinkTree to consolidate their online presence. However, this fragmented approach often leads to client confusion and difficulty in locating trustworthy businesses.

The Solution
The Solution

Introduce a dedicated social media platform tailored for business-client interaction. Think if Instagram, Linked In, and Yelp had a love child - that child would be

Bizinc Explore
Bizinc Explore Feature

This case study delves into the development of the Explore Page within, our innovative social media platform. The Explore Page features an interactive map, facilitating seamless business discovery for clients within their local vicinity directly on our platform. (For insights into our MVP design, refer to the MVP case study coming soon.)

The Research

Competitor Analysis
The Problem

I Conducted a visual competitor analysis focusing on Yelp, Google Maps, and, major map-based search engines, emphasizing mobile platforms due to our users' mobile-centric behavior. Evaluated UI elements, search/filter functionality, business cards, and included information.

User Interviews
User Interviews

Despite aiming for 5-6 interviews, conducted 3 due to time constraints. Explored recent experiences with location-based apps, criteria for evaluating local businesses, and opinions on advanced filter search options for an interactive map.

User Affinity
Affinity Diagram

Derived insights from interviews to create an Affinity Diagram and Empathy Map. Key findings: user pain points and goals (reflected in the client user persona below), essential information for business cards to enhance local business trust, including images, street view, ratings, testimonials, distance, hours, verification, and direct CTA links.

User Persona

User Habits
User Habits has two user personas: Business Owners and Clients. Although an Owner can also be a client, distinct behaviors on the platform necessitate separate personas. As clients primarily utilize the Explore Page, focus was on the client persona: Morgan Davis. Morgan is a 27 year old young professional black women living in Atlanta. She appreciates and loves fashion, beauty trends, staying up to date on social media, getting brunch with her friends, and self care.  She takes pride in being the best version of herself at all times.  She works out, journals, reads books, and eats clean.

Client habits include: Frequent use ofsocial media apps - primarily Instagram and TikTok. Treating herself to getting her nails and hair done, as well as other beauty services. She drives, but prefers not to go too far from her community for beauty services. To build trust she looks at the quality of images & brand (logos), and presence on social media, and ratings (needs at least 3 stars)

User Pain Points
User Pain Points
  • Wants services to have consistent & up-to-date information (hours, contact, etc.).
  • She struggles to know which business to trust, especially which business can cater to the unique hair, skincare and beauty needs of black women.
  • Bouncing between apps is frustrating.
  • She is annoyed by businesses advertising on so many different platforms.
User Wants
User Wants
  • Wants to be able to support local businesses.
  • Likes to see images of the business to get a sense of what they are like
  • Wants to find a hair stylist that is local in her community that she can trust.
  • Eliminate all of the apps on her phone to a couple of key apps she mainly uses.
Value Proposition

Bizinc is developing an interactive map / explore page product to help business owners showcase their business to local clients. We’re better because we will provide users with one app for interacting with businesses in avariety of ways that also allows clients to search for local businesses using easy-to-navigate advanced filters, and provide key up-to-date information, ratings, branding, and images for users about local businesses to make informed decisions quickly and easily. We’re believable because our organization works with business owners to increase their online presence and brand legitimacy.

Our Style

Bizinc Style Guide

In the MVP case study (coming soon) I go into depth about the creation of’s UI Style guide. To keep repetition down, here I will summarize our Style Guide and focus on color. Our design ethos at centers around minimalism, allowing business owners' content to shine. The UI predominantly features white backgrounds, complemented by subtle greys and accents in our signature Bizinc Blue—a teal hue chosen for its trust-building and innovative connotations.

The Explore Page Style

Crafting a Unique Explore Page: Given the visually rich background of the interactive map on the Explore Page, I opted for restrained color usage in our components to prevent user overstimulation. To maintain simplicity, we optimized card layouts with small font sizes, ensuring readability without clutter. Color highlights are limited to essential elements like the Open/Closed indicator and Bizinc Verified and License badges, while the vibrant hues predominantly stem from map imagery and business photos.

During the building of the Explore Page, to streamline development and maintain user familiarity, as the UX team we devised a filter page that can be seamlessly implemented across our various products with minimal adjustments.


My colleague and I worked as a team to sketch out ideas, identify preferences, and then advance to developing low-, medium--, and high-fidelity prototypes. The business Card, and ow users interacted with it was the primary focus throughout development; relying on our user interviews and competito analysis to guide the included features.

We opted for modals over scroll-down features in the card to maintain a consistent map background. Further user testing will determine whether a scroll, akin to Google's interface, would enhance usability, or if the pop-out modals, despite requiring an additional click to open and close, provide a preferable user experience.

"Thouhts" Modal
"More Images" Modal
Streetview Modal

Design Work Is Not Always Linear

As a startup that went live in early 2024, our focus is on quickly delivering Minimum Viable Products to attract users and secure investment. This often impacts our design process. Currently, we are waiting to deploy our full Explore Landing Page in the summer of 2024. However, we still want to demonstrate how our Explore Page will add value for Business owners on our platform. To showcase the potential of our interactive map before it deploys, we're integrating a reflection of it into our business profile pages. This enables clients to benefit from features like visualizing a business's location and street view, even before our full Explore landing page is live. Below, you can see how we're seamlessly integrating the "explore page" directly into business profiles on our platform (Left). You can also see the final Design (Right)! (Link to Live Site Coming Summer 2024...)

Incorporating The Explore Page Into The Business Profile Pages
The Final Mobile Explore Page!

Reflection & Next Steps

  • Collaborate with the Front End development team to ensure seamless integration of the Explore page features, addressing any technical complexities and ensuring alignment with design specifications.
  • Implement feedback from A/B user tests to refine the approach for displaying additional information on the card, optimizing usability and user engagement.
  • Continuously monitor user feedback and behavior to identify areas for improvement and prioritize feature enhancements based on user needs and preferences.
  • Explore opportunities for future enhancements and feature additions, such as incorporating user-generated content, social sharing features, or personalized recommendations, to further enhance the value proposition of the Explore page and drive user engagement.
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.C landing Page
.C Landing Page

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