Ian McLaughlin
Designer, Educator and Fun Dad:
Creating digital products that engage, educate, and empower.
Case Studies

Project: Designed TeachersDrink.com from research through Front-End dev.

Overview: From crafting cocktails with quirky names to wrestling with Front End development this case study shows the balance between imagination & reality: Where my designs outpaced my coding skills, leading to simplification for the MVP; and amidst the fun, my initial designs were to kitsch, prompting a big pivot mid design. This journey from whimsy to sophistication underscores the iterative nature of design work.

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Bizinc.io MVP
Bizinc.io MVP

Overview: From intern to UX team manager, led the design of bizinc.io Beta 2.0 MVP.

My Role: UX/UI intern, UX/UI team manager, and social media content creator.

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Bizinc.io Explore
Bizinc.io Explore

Overview: Led Bizinc.io's Explore product creation - an interactive map for users to find local business.

My Role: As UX/UI team manager, oversaw product development from research to high-fidelity prototypes and pass off to front end development team.

Impact: 95% success: Users easily found local businesses on our prototype, engaging in CTAs.

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.C landing Page
.C Landing Page

Overview: Created a prototype of the landing page for the top level domain .c

My Role: Freelance UX/UI researcher and deigner.

Take Away: When I was contracted to create a landing page for the top-level handshake domain .c I was excited and a bit nervous due to my lack of knowledge… “What is a handshake domain”? During this work, I learned a great dealabout domains and helped reshape the stakeholder's target audience in the process.

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